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SwissCollNet si impegna a migliorare l'accessibilità delle collezioni di storia naturale. Una visione comune e una strategia a lungo termine promuoveranno l'uso delle collezioni di storia naturale per la ricerca, l'insegnamento e la società.

Immagine: OscarLoRo,

LS2 Annual Meeting 2021

Mechanisms in Health, Disease and Aging


13:00 - 19:00

It is our pleasure to invite you to the LS2 Annual e-Meeting 2021 with the topic "Mechanisms in Health, Disease and Ageing", held during three afternoons on February 17, 18 and 19, 2021 on an ONLINE format.

LS2 Annual Meeting 2021
Immagine: Life Sciences Switzerland

The LS2 Annual e-Meeting brings together scientists from all nations and backgrounds to explore the large spectrum united under the umbrella of Life Sciences. This year, with the online format, researchers from all over the world will be able to attend without the need to travel.

We will have a program which will include plenary lectures, a symposium organized by and for young scientists, our already famous PIs of Tomorrow session and scientific symposia organized by our sections and partners.


  • Editing del genoma