Collection Survey
A priority of SwissCollNet is to make visible the diversity, the quality and the importance of the natural history collections curated in Switzerland. To get a more detailed picture, SwissCollNet and GBIF Switzerland collaborate to update the survey that was carried out in 2018.
The survey follows the structure of 2018 with adjustments to reach the level of detail necessary for a publication on the Registry of Scientific Collections run by GBIF (GRSciColl), which is also synchronised with Index Herbariorum. As a result, each institution will be able to connect their collection data with their institution record in the registry, following international identifiers, indicators and standards.
This collection survey is an important milestone for SwissCollNet (see SwissCollNet implementation plan 2021-2024): it will allow to gain an unprecedented overview of the collection contents, their richness, their strengths but also their challenges. This detailed level of knowledge will be an asset for many stakeholders:
… the curators will evaluate their holdings and get an overview of their collections and the condition and value of those;
… the institutions by being published on GRSciColl, will gain visibility at a national and international level;
… the network of the Swiss collections will build a common dataset to share information, facilitate collaborations, set priorities and strengthen the network;
… SwissCollNet will receive information on the scientific value of the various collections. This will allow SwissCollNet to develop a common strategy for positioning the collections and the Swiss Virtual Natural History Collection as an infrastructure for research.
How to participate
All Swiss collection-holding institutions are invited to send information about their collections to generate a detailed overview of the field, and reach the full potential of this survey.
All Swiss collection-holding institutions should have been contacted and are invited to send information about their collections. If you feel this is not the case, don't hesitate to contact us directly.
GBIF Schweiz (Global Biodiversity Information Facility)
c/o info fauna
Avenue de Bellevaux 51
2000 Neuchâtel