TRAINING (2.4.1)

SwissCollNet si impegna a migliorare l'accessibilità delle collezioni di storia naturale. Una visione comune e una strategia a lungo termine promuoveranno l'uso delle collezioni di storia naturale per la ricerca, l'insegnamento e la società.

Immagine: OscarLoRo,

Zoology - Invertebrates

The precious other half: recovering of the unique and pivotal Hugentobler beetle collection at the Natural History Museum St.Gallen
Karin Urfer
(Naturmuseum St.Gallen)

Working at the Natural History Museum of St.Gallen (NMSG) from 1954 onwards, Hans Hugentobler restored the beetle collections. During that time, he detected 500 beetle species that have not previously been described for Eastern Switzerland and 60 species that were new to Switzerland. He documented his finds in the book «Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Käfer der Nordostschweiz». Today, this landmark work is an important part of every Swiss coleopterists’ library. H. Hugentobler passed away in 1967 and the collection subsequently was split into two parts. One part (beetles that were collected in the canton of Thurgau) were transferred to the Natural History Museum of Thurgau, the other half remained at the Natural History Museum St.Gallen. Since then, the NMSG-part of Hugentobler’s collection stayed largely untouched, besides a few groups of beetles that were revised by experts. Currently, the Entomologischer Verein Alpstein works on the collection, transferring it to new drawers. However, the taxonomy of the beetles is outdated, and the collection is not yet inventoried and digitized. Thanks to this SwissCollNet project, Hugentobler’s collection can now be digitized and properly restored. We also plan to digitize the book “Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Käfer der Nordostschweiz», making it accessible online.

Spiders of the Collection Konrad Thaler in the Natural History Museum Bern
Christian Kropf
(Naturhistorisches Museum Bern)

Spiders are the most important terrestrial invertebrate predators with an enormous ecological importance. They are good bio-indicators as they reflect accurately even minute climatic/microclimatic alterations in their habitats. Swiss Natural History Museums house a number of valuable spider collections, one of them is the collection of Konrad Thaler (1940 - 2005), the most important spider collection in the Natural History Museum Bern (NMBE). It contains ca. 125'000 specimens, mainly from the Alps and to a smaller part from outer-alpine Europe. These spiders were collected between the early 1960ies and 2005. Most of the material is trustworthily identified by Thaler himself. The data of around 45'000 specimens are already in the NMBE database, the remaining data should be added in the frame of this project and be made publicly available for research purposes and for the general public. This project complements two other running projects funded by SwissCollNet and will result in an almost complete dataset on alpine spiders in Swiss natural history museums, offering unique research possibilities, that range from taxonomic and phylogenetic studies, studies on effects of climate warming on the sensitive and unique fauna of the Alps to evidence-based conservation efforts concerning alpine invertebrates.

Look into your insect drawer – photographing and barcoding 13’000 drawers
Holger Frick
(Natural History Museum Basel), Marc Limat (Archäologie und Museum Baselland)

The Natural History Museum of Basel and the Museum.BL together archive more than 13’000 insect drawers with determined and sorted material. Databasing all of them is time-consuming, costly and not reasonable for each individual, due to differences in quality and scientific value. While curators have an overview on the state of their collections, external researchers and the public have not.

Taking photos of drawers and connecting them with general data about their content will facilitate decision making to start digitisation on individual level, will help external researchers to find objects they are looking for and will give the public and collection funders the possibility to scroll through our insect collections and get an impression about their value and their dimensions.

Documentation and digitization of several entomological collections at Naturmuseum Winterthur
Sabrina Schnurrenberger (Naturmuseum Winterthur), Michael Greeff (Entomological Collection, Biocommunication & Entomology, ETH Zürich)

The entomological collection of the Naturmuseum Winterthur goes back to the 19th century. The very first collection housed at the museum was started in 1855 by Henri Ernst (1840-1899). The first donation came to the museum in 1870 from Jakob Heinrich Troll (1812-1870). Further collections were donated in the beginning of the 20th century. The former director of the Naturmuseum Winterthur, Gottlieb Geilinger (1881-1955), assigned the curation of the entomological collection to Hedwig Huber (1891-1966), a gynaecologist and local beetle collector. From 1953 on, Hedwig Huber re-organised and enhanced the entomological collection with help of Frieda Wening and Berta Benz. The three women wrote a systematic catalogue of the entomological collection and published the most important collections (Wening, 1964/66). After the death of Hedwig Huber, the entomological collections no longer had their own curator. The digitization in the entomological collection of the Naturmuseum Winterthur has therefore not yet started. We would like to collect this important biodiversity data on metadata (documentation of single subcollections) and specimen level (digitization of individual objects) as part of the present SwissCollNet project.

Curculionoidea of the Natural History Museum Bern
Hannes Baur and Christoph Germann (Natural History Museum, Bern)

The project Curculionoidea of the Natural History Museum Bern (NMBE) aims to digitize the remaining about 9000 specimens of the superfamily Curculionoidea or Weevils (Coleoptera) of the collection. Weevils comprise a superdiverse group of beetles (>62.000 species in the world, 1100 expected in Switzerland). Weevils are mainly herbivorous, develop and feed on various plant organs, and act as vectors for plant diseases. Thus, Weevils are of profound ecological and economical relevance. The collections of the NMBE harbour about 55.000 specimens of weevils, which represent the third largest collection of Weevils in Switzerland. The remaining Curculionoidea comprise ¼ of Entiminae, then the subfamilies Hyperinae, Lixinae, Mesoptilinae, Molytinae, Orobitinae, as well as the less numerous families Dryophthoridae, Erirhinidae, Nanophyidae, Nemonychidae, Raymondionymidae, and Rhynchitidae.

Reconditioning and digitisation of the patrimonial Auguste Forel ant collections in Switzerland, with a focus on the primary types
Anne Freitag (Naturéum, Lausanne), Bernard Landry (Natural History Museum Geneva), Marc Neumann (Natural History Museum Solothurn)

Auguste Forel (1848-1931) was a Swiss entomologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist. He was one of the most important myrmecologists of the late 19th and early 20th century. He described more than 6000 taxa (genera, species and subspecies) of ants. He also built up one of the largest collections of ants in the world. Comprising more than 65,000 pins, often with several specimens per pin, and more than 10,000 types (the voucher specimens used to describe the taxa), this collection has been deposited mainly at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle in Geneva and the Musée cantonal de zoologie in Lausanne. The Naturmuseum in Solothurn also inherited some specimens.

The main work will consist in digitising and photographing a large part of the type specimens, at least one for each taxon represented by a type. The data on locality and date of collection, collector, determination, number of specimens and castes will be collected and then uploaded into the respective databases of the museums. For the Geneva collection, which is the most important in terms of number of species and specimens, a representative of each species will also be digitised. The collections in Lausanne and Solothurn will be fully digitised.

In Geneva and Lausanne, part of the collection has remained in the original boxes used by Forel, which no longer meet current conservation standards. This material will be reconditioned in new entomological drawers.

Aumento dell'accessibilità attraverso il riordino e la digitalizzazione delle farfalle cartacee della Collezione Epstein
Bärbel Koch (Cantonal Natural History Museum, Lugano)

La Collezione Epstein è stata depositata al Museo cantonale di storia naturale (MCSN) alla fine degli anni 1980. Comprende 60'000 esemplari di farfalle diurne raccolti da Hans Epstein e dalla sua famiglia per oltre 20 anni, e si stima che comprenda il 70% delle specie presenti nelle regioni paleartiche e neartiche. Un terzo del materiale è già stato preparato prima della donazione e gli esemplari sono quindi stati riordinati, rivisti e digitalizzati durante gli ultimi decenni. Tuttavia, poiché il tempo durante le spedizioni è limitato e il lavoro necessario per mettere in posa gli insetti è enorme, molti esemplari sono stati conservati in bustine trasparenti: circa 40'000 esemplari si trovano ancora oggi in bustine o in fogli di giornale e sono conservati in varie scatole (plastica, alluminio e scatole di sigari). Anche se il MCSN ha ricevuto tutta la documentazione relativa alla Collezione Epstein (lettere, mappe e diari di campo), il contenuto delle scatole è ancora sconosciuto e la difficile accessibilità rende impegnativa una revisione e digitalizzazione. Lo scopo principale dell'elaborazione delle farfalle in bustina della Collezione Epstein è di rendere i dati disponibili digitalmente per poterli mettere a disposizione di esperti in Svizzera e a livello internazionale per ulteriori ricerche. La digitalizzazione sarà accompagnata da una riorganizzazione fisica del materiale di modo da facilitare la ricerca del materiale e la sua conservazione a lungo termine.

Ragni (Araneae) del MCSN: ricondizionamento, revisione, riorganizzazione e digitalizzazione di una collezione delle Alpi meridionali
Lucia Pollini Paltrinieri (Museo cantonale di storia naturale)

I ragni, che purtroppo spesso non godono di una buona reputazione presso la popolazione, sono in realtà organismi affascinanti e molto diversificati fra loro. Per questo motivo sono spesso utilizzati negli studi di bioindicazione, beninteso anche in Ticino. Per i musei regionali, come il MCSN, è importante avere collezioni delle specie presenti sul territorio che rappresentano, sia come valore intrinseco per l'istituzione stessa, sia come materiale di riferimento per i ricercatori. Negli ultimi 35 anni sono stati consegnati al MCSN, in modo eterogeneo, campioni provenienti da ricerche effettuate in Ticino, in diverse tipologie ambientali e aree rappresentative del Cantone.

Questo progetto vuole rivedere, riorganizzare, digitalizzare e garantire la conservazione a lungo termine dei circa 9'000 esemplari di ragni provenienti dal Ticino e conservati al MCSN. La collezione riorganizzata permetterà una più facile gestione dei campioni a lungo termine, compreso l'eventuale nuovo materiale che verrà depositato al MCSN in futuro. Molto importante sarà la standardizzazione della struttura del database e della sistematica che renderà questi dati facilmente integrabili nel SVNHC.

Infine, questo progetto promuoverà sia la formazione che la collaborazione tra due musei, Lugano e Basilea, e il giovane biologo assunto per questo lavoro avrà l'opportunità di familiarizzarsi con l'identificazione e la sistematica dei ragni, così come con le tecniche di conservazione museale.

Digitisation, perennation and valorisation of the Mayflies and Stoneflies (Insecta) collections housed in the Swiss institutions
Jean-Luc Gattolliat (Naturéum, Lausanne), Seraina Klopfstein (Natural History Museum Basel), Lionel Monod (Natural History Museum Geneva), Marco Bernasconi (Nature Museum Lucerne)

Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and Stoneflies (Plecoptera) are two small orders of aquatic insects of prime importance for the freshwater ecosystems; they are widely used as bioindicators. Mayflies and Stoneflies collections housed in the Swiss institutions are of great importance at national and international levels, including type material of around 700 species (10% of the known species in the world).

We propose a large-scale digitisation of the 100 000 occurrences of Mayflies and Stoneflies housed in the Swiss institutions. We will implement new pipelines to accelerate the rate of occurrences digitisation, including automatic procedures for multiple pictures acquisition and OCR (optical character recognition) to extract data from recombined pictures of labels. High quality pictures of specimens will be taken using last generation equipment. Identifications will be confirmed by experts and all the type material will be clearly labelled and identified by double-checking with the literature. The collections will be curated to insure the highest standards for long term preservation. All the extracted data and pictures will be transferred to institution databases and then to SVNHC (Swiss Virtual Natural History Collection).

This project will also strengthen the synergy between institutions by sharing skills, knowledge and collections. It will create high accessibility and valorisation of the collections and increase their worldwide recognition.

Digitization of the types of parasitic helminths described by renown Swiss parasitologists
Maria Isabel Blasco Costa (Natural History Museum Geneva)

The Parasitic Helminths Collection at the Natural History Museum of Geneva (MHNG) is the richest in Switzerland, and for some major taxa one of the most unique in Europe. The backbone of the collection stems from the collections of several influential Swiss parasitologists during the 19th and 20th century, whose dedication and discoveries are still little appreciated by the general public. This proposal aims at digitizing the type specimens of species described by Otto Furhmann (1871-1945), Jean-George Baer (1902-1975), George Dubois (1902-1993), or Franco Bona (1922-2014), and former scientists of the MHNG, Claude Vaucher, Alain de Chambrier and Jean Mariaux, to facilitate curatorial practice and promote information exchange and availability of fragile and precious specimens to scientists. The collection of parasitic Platyhelminthes (flatworms) comprises 1269 records of whole-mounted type specimens belonging to 609 species described by the above researchers from all over the world. This effort will foster taxonomic research in a group still in constant expansion and will set the foundations for microscopy digitization of other taxa with whole-mounted specimens preserved on microscope slides. The new images and high-standards of curation of this collection will certainly be an asset for developing a future online portal of Swiss Virtual Natural History Collections.

Digitization of Delessert's Malacological collection and identification of type specimens (phase 1).
Emmanuel Tardy (Natural History Museum Geneva)

This project aims to digitize part of the Delessert collection, largest European malacological private collection of the 19th century and largest malacological collection in a Swiss institution. Backbone of the MHNG Mollusca collection, it hold many unmarked types. In practice, we want to database 12'500 of the estimated 60'000 remaining lots, to update the taxonomy, to identify types specimens among the digitized specimens and to picture them in a standardized way.

Reconditioning and digitisation of Hans Pochon’s and Nestor Cerutti’s Coleoptera collections
Sophie Giriens (Natural History Museum Fribourg), Hannes Baur (Natural History Museum Bern), Marco Bernasconi (Nature Museum Lucerne), Giulio Cuccodoro (Natural History Museum Geneva), Anne Freitag (Naturéum, Lausanne), Matthias Borer (Natural Hisotry Museum Basel), Janine Mazenauer (Natural History Museum Firbourg)

The Natural History Museum of Fribourg’s collections are a treasure trove of data on the past of our environment. Among them are the collections of Hans Pochon (1900-1977) and Canon Nestor Cerutti (1886-1940), consisting of more than 30,000 scarabs, weevils, ladybirds, and other insects of the Coleoptera order. All the specimens collected and pinned by these two entomologists during the 20th century are of great scientific value as they attest to the state of the fauna of that period, especially for the cantons of Fribourg and Valais. However, these collections have remained untouched for almost 100 years and are in serious need of reconditioning. This project will therefore aim to reorganise the insects according to a modern classification of life, store them in new airtight frames so that they are protected from collection pests, and digitise all the information on the old labels so that it can be made accessible to the global research community. The project also includes visiting other Swiss museums to inventory their Pochon and Cerutti beetles and inviting specialists to verify the identification of the new beetle collection. This big task will not only bring to light a huge amount of data on the Swiss insect fauna but will also ensure its accessibility to the scientific community in the near future.

Pteromalidae in Swiss Collections
Hannes Baur (Natural History Museum Bern), Marc Neumann (Nature Museum Solothurn), Yvonne Kranz-Baltensperger (Natural History Museum Bern)

The project Pteromalidae in Swiss Collections aims to establish a comprehensive database of the dry mounted specimens in as many Swiss institutions as possible. The Pteromalidae collections are housed in 7 major institutions: Natural History Museums of Aargau, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne and Solothurn, as well as in the Entomological Collection at the ETH in Zurich. The collections comprise about 22000 specimens. The Pteromalidae are a major group of parasitic wasps, important in basic and applied research. Having a complete specimen database of the Pteromalidae in Swiss Collections on the Swiss Virtual Natural History Collection (SVNHC) platform will bring the family automatically to forefront of research considerations. As most specimens were collected in the context of biological control projects, the result will not only be a specimen database, but also a database on host-parasitoid relationships. Finally, the specimens will not only be databased, but also be largely re-identified. Hence, it is to be hoped, that this project will stimulate the interest of future generations of specialists in this ecologically and economically most important group.

Mollusc and coral collection: About preventive conservation, databasing, revision and data sharing
Celia Bueno (Natural History Museum Neuchâtel), François Claude (Info Fauna - CSCF)

The mollusc and coral collection of the Natural history museum of the city of Neuchâtel find It’s origin over 200 years ago and is highly valuable both scientifically and historically. This collection kept growing until reaching over 35'000 lots as of today. Whereas a manuscript catalogue of the collection was updated till the early 20th century, very few of the specimens are registered in the database. Moreover, shells and corals require a proper reconditioning with non-acidic material to preserve them from further degradation and dust.

This two years-long project is a unique opportunity to long-term secure all of these specimens, digitalize them into the database and proceed to selected revision. In this context, all the Swiss specimens as well as other relevant part of the collection will be revised or determined by specialists. Furthermore, this project also includes database developments to improve the data valuation for international audience and process large amount of sample pictures.

Cholevinae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) of the world – conditioning, databasing and digitisation
Matthias Borer (Natural History Museum Basel)

The Natural History Museum Basel (NMB) has obtained a private collection of 15'922 Cholevinae (Coleoptera; Leiodidae). This collection contains 781 species (698 from the Palaearctic), including 15 holotypes and 611 paratypes of 99 species. This collection increases the number of species of Cholevinae at the NMB by over 40%. They are represented worldwide with a bit more than 2000 species. The main distribution area is in the western Palaearctic, and many species occur as endemics in a highly restricted range. The high degree of endemism is due to their often restricted mobility and their particular way of life in vertebrate nests, in underground mammal burrows, or caves. Due to their specific way of life, they can be exciting and essential indicator species for questions in biodiversity, environmental, or habitat protection.

The Chlevinae of the obtained private collection will be digitally recorded in this project. In addition, the type material (holo- and paratypes) will be photographed with high-resolution photo stacking imaging and also included in the database. The digitization will make data, including photos of the type material, of about half of all known Cholevinae species worldwide accessible to researchers and interested individuals.

The Termite Collection of Eberhard Ernst
Christoph Germann (Natural History Museum Basel)

Termites are a fascinating group of social insects that live in large states and have a pronounced caste system. Only the queen and king of a state produce offspring, while the remaining individuals are employed either as workers or soldiers. Termites are well-known for their skilfully constructed mounds and their positive effects on soil fertility. Most of the about 3,100 species live in Africa and South America, and many species are difficult to distinguish morphologically.

This project concerns the unique termite collection of Eberhard Ernst, which after his premature death reached the Natural History Museum in Basel. The collection, which consists of more than 11'000 vials with an estimated 100'000 specimens, is in urgent need of reconditioning, as E. Ernst's system with individual glass vials filled with ethanol bears the danger of desiccation of valuable specimens. We aim to bring together detailed locality and ecological data from various documents and notes and match it with the worker, soldier and king and queen specimens. The digitized collection will prove a unique resource for termite specialists, ecologists and climate change scientists from all over the world.

Campopleginae of Switzerland – time to tackle a major blind spot in biodiversity research
Seraina Klopfstein
(Naturhistorisches Museum Basel), Hannes Baur (Naturhistorisches Museum Bern), Anne Freitag (Naturéum, Lausanne), Karin Urfer (Naturmuseum St. Gallen)

It is well known that there are many new discoveries to be made in the tropics, but it might be more surprising that also about 1/5 of the Swiss fauna is still considered to be unrecorded. Darwin wasps (Ichneumonidae), and especially their poorly researched subfamily Campopleginae, are believed to harbour many of these “hidden” species. They attack mainly the caterpillars of small moths, and due to this parasitoid lifestyle, they are at the top of the insect food web and thus play an important regulatory role in agriculture.

This project aims to fill some of the gaps in our knowledge of the Swiss biodiversity by conditioning, identifying, and digitizing about 5,800 Campopleginae specimens already preserved in the natural history collections of Basel, Lausanne, Bern and St. Gallen. Through detailed macro-photography, we are furthermore going to provide virtual access to the primary types of about 115 Campopleginae species, mainly from the J. F. Aubert collection in Lausanne.

Our knowledge on this highly neglected taxon will be drastically improved, including historical data to allow inferences about faunal changes in this ecologically and economically highly important group. The project will put applied research about the use of these parasitoids as natural enemies and biocontrol agents in agriculture on a solid basis, and the training aspects will help overcome the shortage in taxonomic expertise on these wasps in our country.

Hartmann’s molluscs. A historical collection that should be shared
Karin Urfer (Natural History Museum St. Gallen)

Karin Urfer

Naturmusem St.Gallen

The natural history museum St.Gallen owns a small but very valuable snail shell collection inherited from Johann Daniel Wilhelm Hartmann (1793-1863). He collected the shells together with his father between 1820 to 1860. This shell collection bares a number of type specimens that are of high scientific value. Currently, the shells are housed together with other shells Hartmann received from colleagues in 16 original cherrywood drawers. Unfortunately, the glue that Hartmann used at the time now slowly degenerates and the shells are getting loose. Loose shells also mean the loss of information concerning locality and the original species determination, which are written on the base of the drawers. Therefore, we intend to restore the collection and revise the species determination. With the support of the SwissCollNet we can now hire the mollusc expert Dr. Eike Neubert. He will support K. Urfer to professionally restore and redetermine the shells. We will then store and digitise these precious snail shells. Finalising this project means a complete digitalization of all Swiss snail shells housed at the Naturmuseum St.Gallen, which are then made accessible for the scientific world and everyone else who is interested in the collection of Johann Hartmann.

Identification and digitization of the unidentified spiders from Switzerland present in the collection of the Natural History Museum of Geneva
Lionel Monod (Natural History Museum Geneva)

The Natural History Museum of Geneva (MHNG) harbours a very rich collection of spiders that probably ranks among the 10 world best. During the last century, more than 3000 spiders from Switzerland were collected by former curators of the MHNG arthropod collection and local independent naturalists. However, the major part of this material is still not identified because of the lack of interest by contemporary specialists who remain more focused on tropical fauna. The aim of the present project is to identify this dormant material and make the data available to specialists through online naturalist platforms and biodiversity inventories. The planned work will thus contribute to increase the value and visibility of the local spider collection at MHNG. Moreover, the newly generated distribution data will permit to improve our knowledge of arachnological distribution ranges and diversity in Switzerland, as well as to potentially assess more accurately changes induced by climatic and environmental changes to this fauna during the last century.

Water Mites in Switzerland – conditioning and databasing
Holger Frick (Natural History Museum Basel), Laurent Vuataz (Naturéum, Lausanne)

Water mites are one of the most species rich groups in fresh water ecosystems. They are used as bioindicators for water quality and on top of that visually attractive. In Europe, exist almost 1’000 species of which more than 150 are solely connected to springheads.

In Switzerland, the collection and study of water mites had a long tradition at the Natural History Museum of Basel, including unique so-called type specimens among the several 1000 microslide preparations. Recently, uncountable numbers of water mites were collected during national biodiversity initiatives and stored at the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne without further investigation. However, water mites remain understudied in Switzerland and the access to data of the collected specimens is difficult.

The Swiss water mite digitisation project will change this. Historical collections will be screened for type specimens and their data digitised. Already available data will be translated to international standards and so far untouched samples will be sorted, prepared, determined, properly stored and digitised to make the objects and object data finally available for research.

The Swiss Auchenorrhyncha Collection of Heidi Günthart
Isabelle Zürcher-Pfander (Natural History Museum Basel), Ueli Rehsteiner (Bündner Nature Museum), Jessica Litman (Natural History Museum Neuchâtel)

Heidi Günthart from Dielsdorf (ZH) has investigated and documented the Swiss Auchenorrhyncha fauna for more than 50 years. As one of the first female entomologists in the country, she has contributed significantly to the current state of knowledge and over time has built up an Auchenorrhyncha collection that is unique in Switzerland. Thanks to her research, the number of reported species from Switzerland has increased from 70 to almost 500. Most of the records originated from the Swiss National Park (SNP) and the surroundings.

The collection, which was donated to the Natural History Museum Basel (NMB) by Heidi Günthart in 2012, comprises approx. 140 plastic boxes with around 60 glass tubes each. There is a total of 486 species from 15 families with about 31,000 specimens.

The collection of Heidi Günthart needs to be integrated into the existing entomological collection of the NMB and specimen records digitised.

The revised collection will serve as a reference for Auchenorrhyncha, unique for Switzerland, and thus support the scientific potential of collections for present and future research and expertise in taxonomy.

Three-dimensional digitization of insect type collections
Michael Greeff (Entomological Collection, Biocommunication & Entomology, ETH Zürich) Lukas Keller (Zoological Museum of the University of Zürich), Marco Valerio Bernasconi (Nature Museum Lucerne), Jessica Litman (Natural History Museum Neuchâtel), Lucia Pollini Paltrinieri (Museo-Cantonale-Storia-Naturale Lugano)

In biological nomenclature, "types" are specimens that are present when a species is described. In natural history collections, types are among the most valuable specimens and are studied by researchers worldwide. They are at considerable risk of damage or complete loss due to excessive handling, shipping, and inappropriate storage during loans. To protect these valuable type specimens, the current project will generate digital representations of the physical specimens by 3D imaging. These can easily be sent around the world and worked on. 3D technologies allow not only for detailed studies of traditional morphological features such as distances, textures, and patterns, but also for measuring surface areas and volumes, which so far have been neglected in taxonomic descriptions. The applicants would be the first entomological collections to establish 3D imaging in Switzerland. In the current project, around 2'200 name-bearing type specimens and 200 exemplar specimens will be 3D scanned using photogrammetry. In addition, special use cases are being investigated in (inter)national collaborations, e.g. scanning of very small, flat or relatively large insects. A user group and a workshop on 3D imaging will help other Swiss collections to introduce the technology in their own institutions. Lessons learned will be published as a best practice paper.

Invertebrati e vertebrati

Digitization and enhanced visibility of the zoological type collections of Neuchâtel
Jessica Litman
(Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel), Nicolas Margraf (MUZOO, La Chaux-de-Fonds)

Among the specimens found in natural history collections, type specimens are of particular importance because they are the only specimens that may be consulted when assessing the correct application of a scientific name. As such, they are indispensable for taxonomic and systematic research. Type-holding institutions must thus ensure that such material is both visible and accessible to the international scientific community. The goal of this project is to enhance the storage conditions and overall visibility of the zoological type material held at institutions in the canton of Neuchâtel, namely the Museum of Natural History of Neuchâtel and MUZOO of La Chaux-de-Fonds. We intend to recondition type specimens, digitize label information, photograph specimens and publish all data and metadata related to our type collections online. Data will be published on platforms such as the Swiss Virtual Natural History Collection (SVNHC) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility platform (GBIF) according to the Fair Principles and the ABCD-EFG schema for the exchange of biodiversity data. The results of this project will facilitate scientific research in the fields of taxonomy and systematics, foment a greater understanding of the type collections in the canton of Neuchâtel and heighten public awareness concerning the contents of our collections.