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Image: OscarLoRo,

Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles (SVSN)

The Society of Natural Sciences of the Canton of Vaud (Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles (SVSN)) is a scientific society dedicated to the natural sciences, exact sciences and other related sciences, such as biology, geology, chemistry, physics, mathematics but also the history and the methodology of sciences.
The aim of the SVSN is the study, the progression and the diffusion of these scientific disciplines. To support and promote the research in these different disciplines, the SVSN organises public lectures and excursions. The SVSN publishes scientific papers and more generally understandable articles on research in the fields of natural and exact sciences in its «Bulletin», and more substantial work in its «Mémoires». The SVSN also supports the scientific succession by awarding a prize for an outstanding work made by a young scientist (Prix SVSN) and the best presentations made during the day of young researchers from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne (Prix DDay). Through its activities, the SVSN also aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue among experts, the general public and academic and private researchers in the Canton of Vaud. The SVSN is a member and the umbrella organisation of the Union of Scientific Societies of the Canton of Vaud.
The activities of the SVSN are advertised on its website and on the social networks.

Year founded: 1819
Number of members: 436 (2017)
Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles (SVSN) is a member of SCNAT, Platform Science and Regions (Platform NWR)



Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles (SVSN)
Palais de Rumine
Place de la Riponne 6
1005 Lausanne