TRAINING (2.4.1)

SwissCollNet s’engage à améliorer l'accessibilité de ses collections. Une vision commune et une stratégie à long terme favoriseront l'utilisation des collections d'histoire naturelle pour la recherche, l'enseignement et la société.

Image : OscarLoRo,


SwissCollNet is a national initiative of the Swiss Government under the leadership of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).

SwissCollNet Governance
SwissCollNet Governance

SwissCollNet bodies

The Executive Board of SCNAT has elected and mandated a Steering Board with the overall strategic responsibilities of the initiative.

The Board of Experts is supporting the Steering Board with its technical and operational expertise. They are complemented by thematic working groups.

The Scientific Unit provides administrative support.

Collaborative network

A collaborative network is supporting SwissCollNet

Join the network! Send a support letter to SwissCollNet.


Réseau suisse des collections d'histoire naturelle (SwissCollNet)
Maison des Académies
Laupenstrasse 7
3008 Berne

Deliverables are defined in the mandate and described in more detail in the "Implementation plan SwissCollNet 2021–2024".

Responsibilities of the different bodies are defined in the Rules of Procedure.