Experience exchange
Bild: pxhere
The support from SwissCollNet for Experience and Methodology Exchanges is aimed at persons working with natural history collections in Switzerland, who want to host their own event/workshop to allow collection communities to exchange experiences and knowledge gained in the SwissCollNet programme. For instance, best practices in natural history collection management, digitisation of collections, data registration and management etc. can be shared.
Rental costs of conference rooms, board costs of international experts as well as food and beverage costs during the workshop are covered.
At least 1 member of the organisation committee of the event has to be part of a SwissCollNet granted project or participate in a committee or working group of SwissCollNet. The amount requested by the applicant is limited to a maximum of CHF 2000.- . If accepted, the grantee will have to submit a short activity report once the event has taken place.
The complete application must be sent to swisscollnet@scnat.ch at least 2 months before the event.
More information, all application documents, forms and guidelines are available in the banner on the right!